Friday, December 21, 2018

Democratic politicians appeasing republican votes is a losing strategy


That's what happened in 2016 for Trump to win: Republican voter suppression.
Obama won 2008 and 2012 specifically because he ran a massive voter RE-registration and registration campaign. Using ACORN in 2007-8 in particular. By 2012, ACORN had been destroyed by Republican lies, with Democrats voting to defund ACORN along with Republicans.
About ACORN?
The Obama administration, seeking to distance its onetime community-organizer president from ACORN, declined to defend the organization, and the private foundations that provided much of ACORN's funding largely followed the government's lead.
Democrats in Congress voted with Republicans to destroy ACORN, based on Republican LIES.
Betrayed by Democrats. Democrats lost their only tool that could counter Republican voter suppression. A method Republicans have been using to win since 2000, especially.
300,000 voters disenfranchised by Kathleen Harris who was later rewarded with a Congressional seat. Another 300,000 Clinton voters who went to Bush.
And a Supreme Court that is now solidly Right Wing Partisan.
Republicans once again outmaneuvered Obama and Democrats regarding The Supreme Court.
DLC (New Democrats, Third Way, etc) LEADERSHIP
1984 - The Democratic Leadership Council is founded, in part, by Koch Bros money.
1987 - The Clintons join The DLC, DLC is now funded by other corporate and Wall Street money.
1992: Democratic win. DLC is now in firm control of The Democratic Party.
-Democrats control 14 States. Republicans 8 States.
1994: Democratic loss of Congress. Republicans control Congress for first time in over 40 years.
1996: Bill Clinton wins, enacts Republican agenda. Congress: Republican
2000: Republicans win. Voter suppression in Florida results in Bush win via Supreme Court.
2002: Republicans win.
2004: Republicans win.
2006: Republicans win.
2007: Democrats control The House. 2 Independents caucusing with Democrats give Democrats control of The Senate - if only just.
2008: Democrats control Congress for first time in 14 years. Obama wins. 
-Democrats have 17 State Trifectas. 
-Republicans have 9 State Trifectas.
-Obama organizes massive voter registration effort to counter Republican voter suppression.
2010: Democrats lose The House and control of Congress.
-Democratic leaders abandon voter registration efforts began in 2007, that led to Obama's 2008 win and Democratic control of Congress
-Tea Party almost defeats all DLC Democratic candidates. All of Rahm Emmanuel's 2008 picks who won? Fall to the Tea Party.
-Republicans control 22 States
-Democrats control 8 States
- CENSUS: Republican control of 22 States instrumental in gerrymandering districts and voter suppression. Democrats? 8 States.
2012: Obama wins. Voter registration efforts play a less important roll.
-Congress split.
2014: Democrats lose, minority party in Congress.
2016: Republican win. Using an Orange Clown.
-Republicans have 26 State Trifectas. Democrats have 8 State Trifectas.
-Over 1000 elected positions have been lost by The Democratic Party since 2008, across the nation.
2018: Democrats lose The Supreme Court for 3-4 DECADES.
-Hilary Clinton announces a possible 2020 run. Yeah, as if losing the most winnable race by a Democrat in 2016, wasn't enough of a defeat.
The Republican Party is at its most powerful now, since being founded in 1856.
Since 2000, Republican voter suppression has been instrumental in Republican victories.
Republicans have now explored using House districts at the State level to apportion Electoral College votes.
Republicans now control The Supreme Court with a solid Right Wing partisan judiciary at all levels of The Federal level. This control allows The Supreme Court and other Federal courts to strike down any challenge to Republican gerrymandering, voter suppression efforts, and laws that Republicans do not like.
Democratic Party leadership - corporate and worshiping at the alter of Reagan - have been the key part of Republican victories as they seek to become the moderate Right Party of America, as Republicans become The Far Right Party.
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          I'm f***ing tired of Corporate Democratic MIS-Leadership especailly after this bullsh*t from Republican-lite Chuckie Shroomer:
          “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”
          Traditional Democratic voters, need not apply to The (New) Democratic Party of Reagan/Goldwater/Eisenhower. Less Eisenhower, more Goldwater and Reagan.
          Steve Israel, who led the strategy that resulted in the 2010-2014 losses is still a top party strategist and is (D-NY). Failure... REWARDED.
          Democratic strategists are still trying to woo Republican voters, as outlined by Schumer, for quite some time. The results are IN:
          Democrats may take the House this year? They'll repeat 2010 and 2014.

        Merry Christmas 2018!

        Thursday, October 18, 2018

        Is the value of Palestinian life zero relative to Israelis?

        This view is actually supported by their scriptures and applies to all gentiles

        Israel policewoman ‘shot Palestinian for fun’, court hears

        An Israeli policewoman is suspected of shooting an unarmed Palestinian “for fun” while on duty near a checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.

        The 20-year-old policewoman was arrested yesterday and appeared before Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court in a bail hearing. The court heard that the policewoman allegedly shot an unarmed Palestinian in the back with a sponge-tipped bullet “without any operational reason”, leaving him seriously wounded. The court’s judge, Elad Persky, said the policewoman seemed to have shot the Palestinian “as a dubious form of entertainment”, before ordering that she be held for another three days.

        Minister: Palestinian mom killed by rock throwers a ‘scrap of an incident’

        Yariv Levin says left-wing groups are too quick to accuse Jewish extremists of throwing the rocks that caused deadly West Bank car crash, in which mother of 8 died

        Tourism Minister Yariv Levin on Sunday appeared to downplay an apparent rock throwing attack that left a Palestinian woman dead, criticizing left-wing activists for blaming Jewish settlers and saying they were basing their accusations on a “scrap of an incident.”

        Israeli troops kill 3 Palestinians, including 12-year-old boy, in Gaza

        Wednesday, October 17, 2018

        Police and Republicans openly support the violent agenda of the "proud boys"

        fascist cosplay in NYC leaves three arrested after RW mob attacks protesters


        One assumes that the NYPD intelligence unit knows about Gavin McInnes and the NYC activities of his MasturbationsabteilungA severe head injury was sustained and the NYPD report makes no mention of Proud Boys. But the cops did seem to arrest the victims of the attack in early reports. This is a pattern of how such attacks occur, away from the event venue, when police presence is diminished. Fog of street war.

        Republicans Are Adopting the Proud Boys

        The Republican club’s role hosting the event highlights how the Proud Boys have managed to insinuate themselves with mainstream Republicans, even as they increasingly make the news for their violence. But the New York Republicans aren’t alone—the Proud Boys have already managed to make their way into other mainstream GOP campaign events and conservative media.
        Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart and Devin Nunes have posed for pictures with Proud Boys on the campaign trail. Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson posed in a Fox green room with two Proud Boys and Republican operative Roger Stone earlier this year.
        Source/read the full story here:

        Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes: "I have a lot of support in the NYPD and I very much appreciate that"


        McInnes justifies violence by Proud Boys at NYC event: "When you set up this climate of fear, you have people that are going to be aggressive"

        Source/read the full story here:


        Before the meeting, the club had been vandalized. Fox News, in its story on the incident, seized on the vandalism to imply that Antifa might have been responsible for both acts. 
        Its story, headlined “Antifa strikes again” suggested the violence and footage of a man brandishing a sword were linked with the far-left group.
        But city officials have never said the vandalism was committed by Antifa, and the man brandishing a sword in the video appears to be the founder of Proud Boys -- and one of the founders of the media company Vice -- Gavin McInnes. McInnes severed ties with Vice more than a decade ago. 
        She said police likely saw the fight because of the ongoing and nearby police escort that was being provided to other Proud Boys members. Still, Bachom said she saw no arrests of Proud Boys following the altercation.
        "If the cops hadn't pulled up, they probably would have just kept going and killed them," Bachom said. 
        Source/read the full story here:

        PROUD BOYS

        “Maybe the reason I’m sexist is because women are dumb. No, I’m just kidding, ladies. But you do tend to not thrive in certain areas — like writing.”
        —Gavin McInnes, The Gavin McInnes Show, June 28, 2017

        Source/read the full story here:

        Saturday, September 15, 2018

        Fight clubs, neo-Nazi soccer hooligans, and motorcycle gangs serve as conduits for the Kremlin’s influence operations in Western countries

        Excerpt from:

        Russia Is Co-opting Angry Young Men

        Read the rest at:

        Baltimore Cops Carried Toy Guns to Plant on People They Shot, Trial Reveals

        Excerpt from:

        One officer involved in the city's massive corruption scandal said officers kept the replicas "in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them."

        Last week, the beginning of an explosive corruption trial involving eight members of Baltimore's elite Gun Trace Task Force revealed that a handful of Baltimore cops allegedly kept fake guns in their patrol cars to plant on innocent people—a failsafe they could use if they happened to shoot an unarmed suspect, the Baltimore Sun reports.
        Detective Maurice Ward, who's already pleaded guilty to corruption charges, testified that he and his partners were told to carry the replicas and BB guns "in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them." The directive allegedly came from the team's sergeant, Wayne Jenkins, the Washington Post reports. Though Ward didn't say whether or not the tactic was ever used, Detective Marcus Taylor—another cop swept up in the scandal—was carrying a fake gun almost identical to his service weapon when he was arrested last year, according to the Sun.

        Read the rest at:

        Neo-Nazis are no joke—they just want you to think they are

        Excerpt from:

        “Generally, when using racial slurs, it should come across as half-joking—like a racist joke that everyone laughs at because it’s true,” reads the style guide used by The Daily Stormer, a copy of which the Huffington Post got its hands on this week.
        The Daily Stormer is a prominent America-based neo-Nazi and white supremacist website that takes its name and more from Der Stürmer, the tabloid newspaper of the Nazi Party. And what it seems to be saying with that “half-joking” advice and much else in the guide is: “Don the Magic Cloak of Plausible Deniability and come with us!”
        This likely won’t come as a surprise to anyone who spends much time online. Many will have observed some of these far, far right fools prancing about under that just-kidding-maybe cover. They do this as if somehow we can’t see exactly what they’re up to, and as if what they’re up to isn’t being Nazis and working to recruit more Nazis.
        Read the rest at: