Friday, December 21, 2018

Democratic politicians appeasing republican votes is a losing strategy


That's what happened in 2016 for Trump to win: Republican voter suppression.
Obama won 2008 and 2012 specifically because he ran a massive voter RE-registration and registration campaign. Using ACORN in 2007-8 in particular. By 2012, ACORN had been destroyed by Republican lies, with Democrats voting to defund ACORN along with Republicans.
About ACORN?
The Obama administration, seeking to distance its onetime community-organizer president from ACORN, declined to defend the organization, and the private foundations that provided much of ACORN's funding largely followed the government's lead.
Democrats in Congress voted with Republicans to destroy ACORN, based on Republican LIES.
Betrayed by Democrats. Democrats lost their only tool that could counter Republican voter suppression. A method Republicans have been using to win since 2000, especially.
300,000 voters disenfranchised by Kathleen Harris who was later rewarded with a Congressional seat. Another 300,000 Clinton voters who went to Bush.
And a Supreme Court that is now solidly Right Wing Partisan.
Republicans once again outmaneuvered Obama and Democrats regarding The Supreme Court.
DLC (New Democrats, Third Way, etc) LEADERSHIP
1984 - The Democratic Leadership Council is founded, in part, by Koch Bros money.
1987 - The Clintons join The DLC, DLC is now funded by other corporate and Wall Street money.
1992: Democratic win. DLC is now in firm control of The Democratic Party.
-Democrats control 14 States. Republicans 8 States.
1994: Democratic loss of Congress. Republicans control Congress for first time in over 40 years.
1996: Bill Clinton wins, enacts Republican agenda. Congress: Republican
2000: Republicans win. Voter suppression in Florida results in Bush win via Supreme Court.
2002: Republicans win.
2004: Republicans win.
2006: Republicans win.
2007: Democrats control The House. 2 Independents caucusing with Democrats give Democrats control of The Senate - if only just.
2008: Democrats control Congress for first time in 14 years. Obama wins. 
-Democrats have 17 State Trifectas. 
-Republicans have 9 State Trifectas.
-Obama organizes massive voter registration effort to counter Republican voter suppression.
2010: Democrats lose The House and control of Congress.
-Democratic leaders abandon voter registration efforts began in 2007, that led to Obama's 2008 win and Democratic control of Congress
-Tea Party almost defeats all DLC Democratic candidates. All of Rahm Emmanuel's 2008 picks who won? Fall to the Tea Party.
-Republicans control 22 States
-Democrats control 8 States
- CENSUS: Republican control of 22 States instrumental in gerrymandering districts and voter suppression. Democrats? 8 States.
2012: Obama wins. Voter registration efforts play a less important roll.
-Congress split.
2014: Democrats lose, minority party in Congress.
2016: Republican win. Using an Orange Clown.
-Republicans have 26 State Trifectas. Democrats have 8 State Trifectas.
-Over 1000 elected positions have been lost by The Democratic Party since 2008, across the nation.
2018: Democrats lose The Supreme Court for 3-4 DECADES.
-Hilary Clinton announces a possible 2020 run. Yeah, as if losing the most winnable race by a Democrat in 2016, wasn't enough of a defeat.
The Republican Party is at its most powerful now, since being founded in 1856.
Since 2000, Republican voter suppression has been instrumental in Republican victories.
Republicans have now explored using House districts at the State level to apportion Electoral College votes.
Republicans now control The Supreme Court with a solid Right Wing partisan judiciary at all levels of The Federal level. This control allows The Supreme Court and other Federal courts to strike down any challenge to Republican gerrymandering, voter suppression efforts, and laws that Republicans do not like.
Democratic Party leadership - corporate and worshiping at the alter of Reagan - have been the key part of Republican victories as they seek to become the moderate Right Party of America, as Republicans become The Far Right Party.
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          I'm f***ing tired of Corporate Democratic MIS-Leadership especailly after this bullsh*t from Republican-lite Chuckie Shroomer:
          “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”
          Traditional Democratic voters, need not apply to The (New) Democratic Party of Reagan/Goldwater/Eisenhower. Less Eisenhower, more Goldwater and Reagan.
          Steve Israel, who led the strategy that resulted in the 2010-2014 losses is still a top party strategist and is (D-NY). Failure... REWARDED.
          Democratic strategists are still trying to woo Republican voters, as outlined by Schumer, for quite some time. The results are IN:
          Democrats may take the House this year? They'll repeat 2010 and 2014.

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